Instructor Certification Terms and Conditions

All Apprentice and Certified Instructors enrolled in the Essentrics® Instructor Certification Program must adhere to the following terms and conditions for teaching and promoting the Essentrics® technique and using the Essentrics® Trademarks which have been put in place to protect the integrity of the Essentrics® technique and brand. Please note that failure to comply with these terms could result in the suspension and/or revocation of your teaching license, including the permission to use the Essentrics® Trademarks.

Subject to the terms hereof, Essentrics grants Certified Instructors a limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable teaching license, without warranty, to use the Essentrics Trademarks to promote and teach in-person live classes and approved in-person events, and to use the Essentrics name solely to identify the Instructor (“Licensee”) as an Essentrics Instructor (“License”). Essentrics grants Certified Instructors permission to teach live virtual classes in accordance with the terms described here + upon signing and being granted an Instructor Live Virtual Class License.

Certified Instructors 

As of February 1, 2021, to be able to offer Essentrics live virtual classes, Certified Instructors require an Instructor Live Virtual Class License and must follow its terms that cover permitted virtual class types and live streaming tools, recording restrictions, online promotion and class participation fees. If you are a Certified Essentrics Instructor Level 1-4, please request the Instructor Live Virtual Class License hereOnce you request an Instructor License, the License will be emailed to you from Essentrics via DocuSign (an online signature tool), and your signature will be registered via electronic signature. Click here to access a reference version of the Instructor Live Virtual Class License that outlines the complete terms and conditions. This is a sample version. Viewing it or downloading it does not make you eligible to teach Essentrics live virtual classes.

Facilities (gyms, studios, fitness centers, community centers, etc.) require a Facility Live Virtual Class License in certain cases. To determine if your facility requires a License, refer to this page. To access a reference version of the Facility Live Virtual Class License that outlines the complete terms and conditions, click here. This is a sample version. Viewing it or downloading it does not make you eligible to offer Essentrics live virtual classes.

Note: Apprentice Instructors are not eligible for an Instructor Live Virtual Class License and must abide by the Live Virtual Class Terms for Apprentice Instructors below.

Apprentice Instructors

Given the COVID-19 pandemic and the public health initiatives to reduce exposure to public spaces and large groups, Essentrics grants Apprentice Instructors permission to teach live virtual Apprentice classes in accordance with the terms described below until further notice.

This enables Apprentice Instructors to teach live virtual Apprentice classes online to a private audience. Any full one-hour Pre-Choreographed Workout 1 class taught online can count towards the 30 Apprentice teaching hours required in Level 1.


  • Permitted: Live virtual Apprentice classes from an Apprentice Instructor’s independently managed platform.
  • Not permitted: live virtual Apprentice classes from a fitness facility’s platform/in partnership with a facility. This includes gyms, studios, community centers or any other establishment.


An Apprentice Instructor is permitted to offer live virtual Apprentice classes (not pre-recorded) via a closed, private and secure group using one of the following online tools:

  • Zoom
  • GotoMeeting
  • Microsoft Office
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Private Instagram Group
  • Any comparable platform not open or accessible to public audiences

NOT PERMITTED: Any broadcast of an Essentrics live virtual Apprentice class to a public or open Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or Vimeo audience, including but not limited to:

  • Facebook Live video
  • Facebook video (recorded)
  • Instagram Story
  • Instagram Live video
  • Instagram video (recorded)
  • YouTube Live Video
  • YouTube Video (recorded)
  • Vimeo Live video
  • Vimeo video (regular)


  • Live virtual Apprentice classes may only be accessible on the permitted platforms strictly for the duration of the class in real time.
  • Under no circumstances can live virtual Apprentice classes be recorded for any purpose, except for exam purposes as requested by Head Office.
  • Under no circumstances can an Apprentice Instructor’s live virtual Apprentice classes be pre-recorded, nor redistributed or broadcast after the class.
  • Under no circumstances can an Apprentice Instructor host any pre-recorded live virtual Apprentice classes, nor can they host recordings of live virtual Apprentice classes online.

4. LIVE VIRTUAL APPRENTICE CLASS STRUCTURE. Any in-person or live virtual Apprentice class must always follow Pre-Choreographed Workout 1.


  • Permitted: Apprentice Instructors can promote their live virtual Apprentice classes to a closed/private group of existing participants or personal contacts. Apprentice Instructors can offer live virtual Apprentice classes to existing participants, personal contacts and prospective clients via email, phone, text or any personal contact means available. We strongly recommend teaching live virtual Apprentice classes to small groups of friends, family or personal contacts.
  • Not Permitted: Apprentice Instructors may not publicly promote or actively market their live virtual Apprentice classes on their personal website or digital or social media accounts.


Apprentice Instructors can offer live virtual Apprentice classes at no charge or for a fee. The decision to charge for Apprentice classes, and how much, is at the discretion of the Apprentice Instructor. However, we recommend that Apprentice Instructors wait to pass their Level 1 exam before charging for their classes, as they are still in the early learning stage of the certification.

The aforementioned restrictions exist to maintain the quality and integrity of the Essentrics technique and brand. All Essentrics Pre-choreographed Workouts are protected by Copyright, and only The Esmonde Technique has the right to distribute the workouts digitally. The Esmonde Technique also retains the right to host digital non-live recordings (pre-recorded) of Essentrics workouts online.

Certified Level 1 – 3 Instructors: 

To maintain your teaching license in addition to your Class Profile Account and class listings on the “Find a Class” tool, you must demonstrate that you are actively learning and staying up-to-date and involved with Essentrics Teacher Training developments. This engagement ensures that instructors are staying true to the technique and upholding the quality of their classes. 

We require that you do the following on an annual basis (but are always happy to work with you upon extenuating circumstances): 

  • -Pass your current Level; and 
  • -Purchase your next Level; and 
  • -Purchase and learn a minimum of 1 Pre-Choreographed Workout to expand your class  repertoire and offer diversity to your students. 

This timeline keeps instructors on track for success within the 4-level training program as well as in their classes. Each level develops your skills as a teacher through the knowledge gained and feedback provided by Essentrics Exam Correctors during each evaluation. 

In purchasing a Level manual, you are subscribing to the Essentrics Instructor Certification Terms & Conditions which override any prior agreements with relation to previous Levels. 

Certified Level 4 Instructors: 

To maintain your teaching license in addition to your Class Profile Account and class listings on the “Find a Class” tool, you must demonstrate that you are actively learning and staying up-to-date and involved with Essentrics Teacher Training developments. This engagement ensures that instructors are staying true to the technique and upholding the quality of their classes.  

We require that you do one of the following on an annual basis (but are always happy to work with you upon extenuating circumstances): 

Who can use the registered ESSENTRICS® name and logo (Trademarks)?

The legally registered Essentrics® brand name is a proprietary business asset of The Esmonde Technique (“Licensor”). Strictly individuals who are registered to the Essentrics Certification program (“Licensees”) have the right to use the Essentrics® Workout name for their live classes.

Individuals all over the world depend on the Essentrics® brand name to identify Essentrics® products and services, to distinguish our program from those of competitors and to serve as a stamp of quality assuring consumers of the source of Essentrics® products and services. As the creators of Essentrics®, The Esmonde Technique prides itself on the quality of its programs and on the continuous improvement of its services. By controlling the ways in which the Essentrics® name is used and the ways in which the program is taught, we are ensuring that a certain standard upheld.

This agreement has been created to help you understand how you can use the legally registered Essentrics® name. An Essentrics Certified or Apprentice instructor is licensed to teach a live Essentrics® Workout class to the general public. When you are a member of the Essentrics® Certification program, you are granted the right to use the Essentrics® Workout name to promote your live classes in accordance with the guidelines laid out in these Trademark Usage Terms. Licensees of the Essentrics® Certification program are required by contract and law to follow the guidelines in the license agreement. Infringement of these terms will result in appropriate legal action from The Esmonde Technique.

We kindly request that you support us in our efforts to enforce the proper use of the Essentrics®name and to use it properly and justly, helping to avoid confusion and misuse that could potentially cause liabilities. Instructors and practitioners of the Essentrics® workout are encouraged to notify us immediately if they become aware of any unauthorized or improper use of the Essentrics®name. We appreciate your collaboration and thank you for your support!

Please abide by the Trademark Name Usage Terms outlined below.

1. It is crucial that we to keep our entire Essentrics® instructor community informed and engaged and e-mail is our primary means of communication with our Teacher Training community. We require that all licensees of the Essentrics® Certification program provide a valid e-mail address to the Teacher Training Department to ensure seamless communications with our teachers.

2. The Esmonde Technique requires that all of our Essentrics® Workout instructors, including Apprentices and all Level 1-4 Certified Instructors, obtain individual professional liability insurance for their own protection.

3. The Esmonde Technique is responsible for ensuring the quality of our technique and of our Certification program, but cannot be held accountable for an individual’s actions under the instructor license.

4. The Esmonde Technique is not liable for the safety or quality of any independently held Discover Essentrics® Class, Live Event, Fitness Holiday or Retreat.

5. The Essentrics® Certification program is not a franchise. The Esmonde Technique is the Licensor of the Essentrics® trademark name to its Licensees for live fitness class instruction.

6. All Apprentice and Certified Essentrics® Instructors must include a hyperlink to on their website homepage.

7. In order to protect the integrity of the Essentrics® Workout and the brand, The Esmonde Technique reserves the right to revoke a Certification or instructor license if it is deemed that the Essentrics Trademark Guidelines are not being abided by in their entirety, or if the Essentrics® trademark name is being employed in an objectionable or distasteful manner.

  1. The brand name Essentrics® is the Intellectual Property of The Esmonde Technique®. Essentrics® is a registered trademark and you may not alter the form of the Essentrics® trademark or logo. View full Logo Usage Guidelines below.
  2. That which is not expressly permitted is prohibited unless approved by Essentrics.
  3. No permitted use of the Essentrics® trademark may claim, or imply, that an individual Essentrics Instructor licensee has the exclusive right to use the Mark in any territory or for any community of clients. We reserve the right to prevent or control uses which may gather to one licensee an advantage over other licensees, e.g. Essentrics Florida, Essentrics for Seniors.
  4. Upon completion of the Essentrics Certification process, you will receive a diploma of Certification. You will be listed on our website as a Certified Essentrics® instructor and will be granted the right to use the Essentrics® Workout name and other approved names as the names of your classes.
  5. Essentrics® Workout instructors must refer to the technique components and sequences as they are described in the Certification manuals (for example: Shoulder Blasts and Windmills), that make up a full class done in a certain order. For the credibility of your classes and to respect the trademark name, you must refer to your workout as Essentrics®, Essentrics® Barre, Essentrics® Stretch, or other approved names.
  6. Essentrics® Workout is a standalone technique.  You cannot use the word Essentrics® in combination with any other technique. For example, you cannot advertise or promote a combination class such as “Yoga- Essentrics®”. View detailed guidelines for Accepted Class Names below.
  1. The registered name Essentrics® cannot be used alone as your business name, trade name, LLC name, studio name, website domain name, Facebook page name/username, without official consent from the Head Office and without a specific license. To help you choose the proper company name for your teaching services, we have created guidelines with suggested and approved names. View detailed guidelines for Choosing a Company Name below.
  2. You may create a personal website or Facebook page which is focused on promoting your Essentrics® teaching services. You may use the name Essentrics® within the naming guidelines. View detailed guidelines for the Best Names for Personal Websites and Social Media below.
  3. Due to Trademark law, no individual may use the name Essentrics® in their legally registered business name in any territory, or in any other officially registered name for any purpose.You cannot register the name Essentrics® for any purpose, even in association with other words. Only The Esmonde Technique has the right to register other trademark names and word combinations using the name Essentrics®.
  4. In order to open a studio, space or facility under the Essentrics® name, an Essentrics® Studio License must be obtained from The Esmonde Technique. View detailed guidelines about Opening an Essentrics® Studio or Space below.
    1. As an Essentrics® Workout instructor, you are licensed to teach the Essentrics® Workout in a live in person class setting. You must teach an Essentrics® Workout the same way as it is taught in your Certification manuals and PCWs.- No Adding: Essentrics must be taught as a standalone class. While Essentrics is an excellent workout to do before or after other training programs, combination/fusion classes are not allowed. You cannot add other techniques into any portion of an Essentrics class, including energy work such as Acupressure, Tapping, and Reiki.- No Removing: An Essentrics workout must be done in its entirety. Essentrics works because it is a full body rebalancing, stretching and strengthening program. If you don’t teach a full Essentrics class (minimum 30 minutes), your students will not get the results they are looking for.


  1. Essentrics® has been scientifically designed through our proprietary movement sequences to unlock the body; the complete benefits of doing an Essentrics® Workout will only realized from performing the technique as it was created, intended and prescribed. In the instance that any standalone movements, exercises, techniques, and/or sequences from any Essentrics intellectual property material (CS, ESS vid, training material) are performed in a way that still adheres to the integrity of the movement but removed from a complete Essentrics® class named as such, and/or incorporated into another movement technique or exercise method, credit must be given to Essentrics® in order to inform and/or introduce your audience to the technique. Ex: “I always do this Essentrics stretch sequence after a run, Open Chest Swan from Essentrics is a great stretch for the pectorals.”
  2. Essentrics® is a an original exercise technique with exercise sequencing unique to the Essentrics Trademark/Brand. When teaching Essentrics®  you must refer to the class you are teaching by the name Essentrics® with any permitted accompanied class descriptive to draw and market to your target demographic. Calling an Essentrics® class by the name of any other movement technique, exercise method, or general term such as “dynamic stretch” is not permitted.
  3. You must refer to yourself as an Essentrics Apprentice Instructor until you have passed Level 1. You must also use the term Apprentice to describe your Essentrics classes until you have passed Level 1, i.e. Apprentice Essentrics Class.
  4. All Licensed Essentrics Apprentice and Instructors are obliged to teach the Pre-Choreographed Workout routines while in training from level 1 to 4. It is only once an Instructor graduates from Level 4 that they may be entitled to create their own ESSENTRICS routine.
  5. You are licensed to use the music accompanying the PCWs strictly to teach live classes.
  6. You cannot record any videos, for social media or otherwise, using the music accompanying the PCWs. You cannot distribute, rerecord resell, share, modify nor record any of the music accompanying the PCWs.
  7. To promote your group classes, you can host a Discover Essentrics® Class/Event. To avoid confusion between privately held Essentrics® live events versus corporately held Essentrics®events (run by Head Office), there are guidelines to follow when hosting various live events to cater to your clients’ needs. These rules are to ensure consistency in our offering and to ensure the quality of our events. View detailed guidelines for Promoting Your Essentrics Class below.
  8. Live Streaming of Essentrics® Workouts is not permitted on any online medium. Instructor must not in any manner film, record, stream live video, create DVDs or reproduce Essentrics® classes or workouts, or otherwise imitate Essentrics® choreography. Essentrics videos, CDs and DVDs are fully protected under copyright laws, and any unauthorized duplication, exhibition, distribution or use without The Esmonde Technique’s prior approval is prohibited. Live Streaming videos with the purpose of promoting or demonstrating the technique are allowed, but must be limited to 2 minutes.
  1. All content within the Essentrics® Certification Program and Live Teacher Trainings is the intellectual property of The Esmonde Technique. This material cannot be shared, recreated or reproduced through text, video, on the web nor at Live Events.
  2. The Esmonde Technique is the owner of the Essentrics Certification program and its intellectual property. Only Head Office has the authority to teach the Essentrics Certification material.
  3. Essentrics instructors cannot host workshops targeting Essentrics instructors, live trainings or events disseminating the Essentrics Certification Intellectual property. Head Office reserves the right to host all and any Instructor workshops and live trainings.
  4. You cannot resell or distribute any Essentrics® Certification material or other trademarked or copyright products without official consent from The Esmonde Technique.
  1. As a Certified Essentrics® instructor, the registered name Essentrics® is licensed to you only for use in the promotion and naming of your live in person Essentrics® classes.
  2. Use of the Essentrics® trademark name is not permitted on any products (ex: DVDs, the name of your newsletter, other merchandise) without the approval of the Esmonde Technique®.
  3. We do not allow the use of the Essentrics trademark name on merchandise for commercial purposes. You cannot create or sell merchandise, such as clothing, water bottles, mats, etc. with the Essentrics® name on it. We do make exceptions for personal use and evaluate requests on a case by case basis. If you have an idea in mind for personal use of the Essentrics logo on merchandise, please forward your request to [email protected].
  4. Certified instructors can use the Essentrics® trademark to promote and advertise their classes in media such as television and radio, news, magazines, newspapers, blogs etc., as long as a reference is made to the global Essentrics® brand. A clear distinction must be made that the instructor teaches Essentrics® classes, but is not the owner of Essentrics®.
  5. As an Essentrics® instructor, you have permission to create your own personal promotional video for the sole purpose of promoting your individual classes. The maximum time allowed for such a promotional video is two (2) minutes.  The titles must appear as “Essentrics® Class with __ [your name]”. The Esmonde Technique® reserves the right to remove any video with content that is misrepresentative of the brand or technique, or that contains content that is deemed inappropriate. View detailed guidelines for Making a Promo Video for Your Classes below.
  6. You cannot post or stream online any Essentrics® workouts that you have created, nor any official Essentrics® videos (for free or for a fee on your website or social media accounts) – with the exception of a 2-minute personal promotional video. You may, however, post and share any official Essentrics® workout videos found on the Essentrics YouTube Channel or the Classical Stretch YouTube Channel
  7. Only the Esmonde Technique has the right to create and distribute ESSENTRICS® and Classical Stretch branded content outside of a 2-minute personal promotional video.
  8. No unsavory content or photos are permitted in relation to the Essentrics® trademark and The Esmonde Technique®.

The Essentrics® logo represents our identity and high quality standards we keep towards our technique, our Teacher Training program and our products. We need to make sure that we protect the unique identity of Essentrics and that it is being used for genuine products and services, such as classes given by Certified Essentrics instructors.

We are very careful with the usage of our logo and request that you support our efforts to protect it. In order to help you make fair and correct use of our name and logo, please find our guidelines below.

Generally speaking, Essentrics does not grant permission for use of its logo to third parties. An exception is organisations that host Essentrics classes taught by Certified Essentrics Instructors. They can use the logo on their website and other promotional materials to advertise the class, under the conditions that 
1) these classes are taught by Certified Essentrics instructors and that
2) they comply with the Essentrics visual guidelines.   

Certified Essentrics instructors have access to the current and correct format of the official Essentrics logos (Note: Apprentice instructors have access to an alternative version of the logo, until they become certified.)

Please note that the appropriate logos will be emailed to you directly via the Teacher Training Department (Apprentice: after 3 months of receiving Level 1 material; Certified: upon receiving your Level 1 completion email).  

When you are a Certified Essentrics instructor, you are welcome to use the Essentrics logos to produce your own promotional materials and to advertise your classes. Some examples include posters, leaflets, social media pages and websites.

The Essentrics logos may not be used to manufacture and sell products such as clothing or any other merchandise. Certified instructors may use the logo to print on clothing and other items for personal use only.

Visual Identity Guideline
Essentrics logo minimum width: 20 mm.

The following alterations to the Essentrics® logos are not permitted:

  • Don’t remove the registered trademark symbols
  • Don’t rotate the logo
  • Don’t delete or obscure elements of the logo, nor is it allowed to add elements to the logo
  • Don’t change the colour of the logo
  • Don’t change the proportion of the logo and don’t squash or stretch it
  • Don’t reposition elements of the logo
  • Don’t use the logo in combination with any other trade names, trademarks or logos
  • Don’t add drop shadows or other text styles to the logo
  • Don’t contain the logo in a box when used on a background

Colours of the Essentrics Logo:

  • Black
  • White

Visuals and Photographs
Proper Essentrics visuals and photographs to use for promotional materials will be emailed to you directly via the Teacher Training Department. 

Apprentice instructors – will receive a promo postcard—after 3 months of receiving Level 1 material.

Certified instructors – will receive a collection of images and a promo postcard/poster to use, upon receiving Level 1 completion email.

We ask that they be displayed at a clear size and not altered in terms of colour, orientation and proportion.

Report Improper Use
See any unauthorized or improper use of the Essentrics logo or the brand name? Please let us know via [email protected]

Please contact us if you have any questions concerning the use of our logos, visuals or any other branding question via [email protected]

Individuals all over the world depend on the Essentrics® brand name to identify with a reliable, quality technique. As the creators of Essentrics®, The Esmonde Technique prides itself on the quality of its programs and on the continuous improvement of its services. By controlling the ways in which the Essentrics® name is used and the ways in which the program is taught, we are ensuring that a certain standard is upheld.

To teach Essentrics, an individual must enroll in the four-level Essentrics Certification Program; teaching Essentrics without official enrollment in our Instructor Certification Program is strictly prohibited. To help instructors achieve and uphold our standard, Essentrics provides interactive Live Teacher Trainings and workshops, cutting edge material, and ongoing support and opportunities for continuing education. There are no prerequisites to becoming an Essentrics Instructor; our comprehensive training tools provide the support needed to succeed.

Members of the Essentrics Instructor community must follow and comply with the guidelines for using the Essentrics trademarks and intellectual property as stated in the Trademark Usage Guide received upon purchase of the Certification materials. Upon completion of the Level 1 certification, instructors receive a diploma and are listed on our website as a Certified Essentrics® instructor. It is the responsibility of each instructor to uphold the conditions within our terms of agreement to maintain their certification and our responsibility to ensure that each member of our community is supported towards their personal and professional growth.

Instructor must not use the Esmonde Technique Intellectual Property for purposes of promoting any Workshop, Training, Instruction or other activity except Instructor’s own Essentrics classes or approved events. Instructor must not use any The Esmonde Technique Intellectual Property to identify a gym, workout facility, business or trade name, or any other facility, program or product, except as authorized herein, without The Esmonde Technique’s prior approval. The Esmonde Technique reserves the right to remove any content posted on the Internet and/or used by Instructor that violates The Esmonde Technique’s Intellectual Property rights.

As an Essentrics Instructor, you are licensed to teach live classes in person (face to face.) Instructors must not film, record, stream live video, create DVDs or reproduce Essentrics workouts or classes in any manner. Essentrics videos, DVDs and Pre-Choreographed Workouts (PCWs) are fully protected under U.S. copyright laws, and any unauthorized duplication, exhibition, distribution or use without prior approval from the Esmonde Technique is prohibited. Pre-choreographed Workouts are for individual use; we ask that Instructors do not share PCW DVDs and manuals with other Instructors, and that instructors purchase their own copies of any Certification related materials.

Screen recording or screen casting of any live virtual or prerecorded Essentrics classes, Essentrics videos or Essentrics online events, is strictly prohibited.

Hosting private or group Essentrics® classes via Skype, Facetime, Live Video or any other communication/media platform, is not allowed due to Federal copyright laws. All Essentrics® Pre-choreographed Workouts are protected by Copyright, and only The Esmonde Technique has the right to distribute the workouts digitally.

**MARCH 17th, 2020 UPDATE**

Given the current situation and the public health initiatives to reduce our exposure to public spaces and large groups, we are very aware of the implications on our Essentrics Instructors and clients alike. With this in mind, we have decided to remove the restriction for Instructors to offer live (not pre-recorded) classes to their existing clientele online through one of the digital communication platforms listed below, until further notice. This will enable instructors to teach only the classes they were already teaching, and only to their current and existing active clientele, by offering their classes online live to a private audience.

With the temporary guideline changes, please keep the following in mind:

  1. Your classes may be offered online/digitally live (not pre-recorded) to an existing individual client or to a closed/private group of your existing, active clients.
  2. You are permitted to teach live classes to your existing clientele via one of the following online tools:
    • Skype
    • Zoom
    • GotoMeeting
    • Facetime
    • Microsoft Office
    • Any other comparable platform that is not open or visible to the public
  3. You may not promote or actively market your live digital class offering outside of your current active clientele, nor via any social media platform or campaign outside of your private client group(s).

You may not host any live or pre-recorded broadcast of your classes to a public Facebook or Instagram audience, to the broader public, or to any of your followers who are not current clients of yours. The pre-existing restriction remains in place for any public broadcast of your live Essentrics classes on certain platforms, including but not limited to the following:

  • Facebook Live video
  • Facebook video (Regular)
  • Instagram Story
  • Instagram Live video
  • Instagram video (regular)
  • YouTube Live Video
  • YouTube Video (Regular)

We understand that each Level has required Apprentice teaching hours as part of the certification requirements. For this interim time, until further notice, any full one-hour Pre-Choreographed Workout classes you teach online can count towards those hours. You will need one volunteer from each online class to agree to provide their name as your participant.

If you have been presented with an opportunity to offer live (not pre-recorded) online classes through a partnership with or at a gym, please contact Head Office to discuss. Please also do not hesitate to reach out to discuss any of the items mentioned for these provisional terms, we want to support you as best as we can.

The aforementioned restrictions exist to maintain the quality and integrity of the Essentrics technique and brand. All Essentrics® Pre-choreographed Workouts are protected by Copyright, and only The Esmonde Technique has the right to distribute the workouts digitally. The Esmonde Technique also retains the right to host digital non-live recordings (pre-recorded) of Essentrics® workouts online.

As per the video promotion guidelines, you may post videos promoting Essentrics on any platform, provided that the portion of the video that contains Essentrics intellectual property, techniques, theories and choreography does not exceed 2 minutes.

Essentrics® In-Person Live Event & Retreat Guidelines 

Want to host an Essentrics® In Person Live Event? 
In order to promote your in-person live Essentrics® classes, a Certified Essentrics® Instructor can host an Essentrics® In-Person Live Event (Discover Essentrics® Class, Demo or Fitness Holiday/Retreat). It takes a certain level of experience to be able to effectively host events of this nature. We want all of our Essentrics® Instructors to succeed and the requirements below are in place to help you do so. Both new and existing clients will benefit from these enriching events.

To avoid confusion between privately held Essentrics® In-Person Live Events (run by individual instructors) versus Corporately held Essentrics® In-Person Live Events (run by Head Office), we have created a set of guidelines to follow when hosting live events to cater to your clients’ needs. These rules are to ensure that events promoted using the name Essentrics® meet the consistency and quality standards of all Essentrics® In-Person Live Events held worldwide. The Esmonde Technique does not condone the use of the word Workshop for Essentrics events hosted by Instructors, aimed at regular clients. The Esmonde Technique reserves the right to use the word Workshop for Essentrics events hosted by Head Office.

Essentrics is the owner of the Essentrics® Instructor Certification program and its intellectual property, and only Essentrics® has the authority to teach the Essentrics® Instructor Certification material. Essentrics® reserves the right to host all and any instructor Workshops, Mini-Workshops, In-Person Live Teacher Trainings, Virtual Live Teacher Trainings or other teacher training related events. Essentrics® Instructors cannot host Workshops, In-Person Live Events, Virtual Live events targeting Essentrics Instructors, nor host events during which Intellectual Property from the Essentrics® Instructor Certification is disseminated (e.g. PCW Workshops, Technique Workshops). Any events, in-person or virtual, aimed at teachers must be planned in collaboration with Essentrics® for quality control purposes.

Hosting an In-Person Discover ESSENTRICS® Class: 

  • Prerequisite: Level 4
  • Duration: 60-75 min
  • Description: A Discover Essentrics®Class gives a Certified Instructor the opportunity to offer an Essentrics® Class with a specific focus, to expand on a topic that appeals to their target clientele. These events typically include a short introduction to Essentrics®, a description of the focus, followed by a 30-60min workout. This type of event is a great way to build your clientele and introduce Essentrics® to a wider audience, as well as to enrich the experience of existing clientele. A Discover Essentrics® Class can be held at your regular class location, at a new gym, or at a special event.
  • Approved names for In-Person Essentrics® Discover Classes/In-Person Live Events:
    • Discover Essentrics® Class with/Hosted by __________
    • Discover Essentrics® Flexibility Workout with/Hosted by _________
    • Discover Essentrics® Toning Workout with/Hosted by _________
    • Discover Essentrics® Barre Workout with/Hosted by _________ 
    • Discover Essentrics® for Aging Backwards with/Hosted by_______
    • Discover Essentrics® for Pain Relief with/Hosted by_________
    • Discover Essentrics® Techniques with/Hosted by_________
    • Essentrics® 101 with/Hosted by _________
    • Essentrics® 101 Pop-Up with/Hosted by _________
    • Intro to Essentrics® with/Hosted by _________

Hosting an ESSENTRICS® Retreat/Fitness Holiday: 

  • Prerequisite: Level 4
  • Duration: Instructor Preference (can vary between 1-7 days)
  • Description: Essentrics® Fitness Holidays/Retreats are a great way to build your community of students and to offer your clientele an opportunity to unwind and focus solely on themselves. Any instructor wishing to host an Essentrics® Retreat/Fitness Holiday must contact Head Office for approval before promoting or advertising any such event.
  • Approved names for Essentrics® Fitness Holidays/Retreats: To use the name Essentrics® in your event description or name, as in Essentrics® Retreat, the word Essentrics® must be preceded by the instructor/host’s name. You must indicate who is hosting the retreat in the following manner.
    • [Essentrics Instructors’ names] Linda May & Rebecca Wood’s Essentrics® Retreat
    • [Essentrics Instructor’s name] Linda May & Rebecca Wood’s Essentrics® Fitness Holiday
      • Date/Location Selection:
  • Prior to finalizing and promoting the details of your Fitness Holiday/Retreat, we request that you please submit the date and location of your retreat to the Essentrics® Head Office.

Hosting an ESSENTRICS® Demo 

  • Prerequisite: Level 1 Certified or higher
  • Duration: 5-20 min
  • Description: If you are introducing your class to a new gym, presenting at a conference, or being featured in the media, your goal is to deliver as much information to your audience in a clear and concise way. You want to maximize your time and deliver a strong, effective message that accurately represents the Essentrics® program and highlights what sets it apart from other fitness programs. If you have an opportunity to host a demo, please contact [email protected] for tailored assistance and support in planning your event.

The Essentrics® name is a registered trademark owned by the Esmonde Technique. 

How to choose your Class Name
It’s important to use proper class titles when promoting your Essentrics® classes on schedules in fitness studios, gyms, community centre bulletin boards, flyers you’re handing out in your neighbourhood, etc. Certain gyms and studios will also request well-defined descriptions to go along with the name of your class—it’s best to sit down with the fitness coordinator to discuss which type of class would best be suited to their clientele.

Keep in mind, the time the class is held and the name you give your class will attract different clientele. E.g. a noon class is best for “Toning,” where as 6:30pm is great for a “Stretch Class.” 

ACCEPTED Class Names: 
Please remember to always include the brand name ESSENTRICS® as the main title of your class.  
Brief and long class descriptions are included below:

    A dynamic, full body workout suitable for all fitness levels, that simultaneously combines stretching and strengthening while engaging all 650 muscles. This class will increase flexibility and mobility for a healthy, toned and pain-free body.Alternative class names
    ESSENTRICS® Stretch & Tone
    ESSENTRICS® Tone  
    (Note: These class names are the same as calling your class ESSENTRICS®, however they give you the option of including targeted keywords to better appeal to your type of clientele and teaching location.)[Long class description:]Essentrics is a full body workout that rapidly changes the shape of your body through a dynamic combination of strengthening and stretching. The technique develops lean, strong and flexible muscles with immediate changes to your posture. Perfect for men and women of all fitness levels, this program rebalances the body, prevents and treats injuries and unlocks tight joints. With a diverse music playlist accompanying each routine, this equipment-free workout leaves you feeling energized, youthful and healthy.
  • ESSENTRICS® Stretch 
    A dynamic, full body workout that simultaneously combines stretching and strengthening while engaging all 650 muscles. Experience a deep activation stretch that will work through all the joints and release tight muscles. Effective for flexibility, mobility and pain-relief, as well as injury prevention and recovery.(Note: This description allows for a greater focus on the stretching aspect of the technique for those who are specifically looking for an activation/release stretch workout.) [Long class description:]This class is medium-paced and easy to follow—ideal for anyone who is new to the Essentrics Workout. You will experience a relaxed, but dynamic and deep, full body stretch that will work through all the joints and release tight muscles. Effective for injury recovery and prevention, pain relief, stress release, and promoting healing.Focus: shoulders, spine and groin, back, hips, hamstrings, quads, groin, calf and IT band.
    A dynamic, full body workout that combines standing, floor and barre exercises in one class. Respectful to the body, yet challenging—barre work helps to unlock and stretch the deep muscles of the spine, hips, hamstrings and quads, in order to relieve pain and permit full range of motion.[Long class description:]Everything you ever wanted from a Barre Workout!!For the past 15 years, Essentrics has integrated the barre into its regular workouts. Keeping up with the fundamental principles of the program—elongating the muscles and challenging them in the lengthened position, strengthening while lengthening, zero impact without the use of weights—Essentrics Barre Workouts will tone and shape your body, create long lean muscles and increase your flexibility.
  • ESSENTRICS® Aging Backwards 
    This is an age reversing workout that will restore movement in your joints, flexibility in your muscles, relieve pain, and stimulate your cells to increase energy, vibrancy and your immune system. A slow-paced, full body workout created by the author of Forever Painless and the New York Times bestseller, Aging Backwards.Alternative class names
    ESSENTRICS® Release, Rebalance & Restore (ER: Release tight muscles, Rebalance joints and Restore the body)
    ESSENTRICS® Gentle Stretch
    Age Reversing ESSENTRICS® 
    ESSENTRICS® for Seniors (Community centres, senior homes—targeted to seniors)

     These class names are appropriate to use for beginner, less mobile and/or senior clientele.)[Long class description:]This class is aimed at regaining your mobility while slowly building strength and reawakening the power of your 650 muscles. This class has a slower pace than our general Essentrics classes. It is designed for those who have atrophy-related stiffness, frozen shoulder, chronic aches and pains, or who are beginning to exercise after a long sedentary period. For men and women of all ages who are looking for a gentle, slow tempo class.

Note: You cannot call your classes Classical Stretch. However, you may mention in your class description that the Classical Stretch fitness TV show is based on the Essentrics technique. 

Never Modify the Marks. Instructor must use the Marks in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and refrain from modifying the Marks (e.g., Instructor must not (i) refer to a class as, for example, “Essentrics Core”, “Essentrics Legs” “Aqua Essentrics” or (ii) change the spelling of the Marks, such as, for example, using the phrases “Refrentrics” or “Essentrics-Cardio”).

Not Allowed: Fusion, Combination/Combo, Mash-Up i.e. Essentrics Fusion 
The words listed above are not allowed to describe an Essentrics®  class as it may lead to confusion. Essentrics must be taught as a standalone technique. 

If you are hosting an event in collaboration with another individual, organization or venue where a different technique (X) will be taught before and/or after an Essentrics workout, you must refer to the Essentrics portion on its own, by the accepted class names. Whenever you are teaching Essentrics (either 1hr, 45 min or 30 min workout), you must refer to it as Essentrics. An Essentrics class must be minimum 30 mins. You can use the following words to refer to multiple classes being taught consecutively:

  • Essentrics followed by (X)
  •  (X)  followed by Essentrics
  • (X) Essentrics
  • Essentrics + (X)
  • (X) and/& Essentrics
  • Essentrics and/& (X)

If you are using the Essentrics name in a way that is not condoned by The Esmonde Technique as laid out above, The Esmonde Technique maintains the right to remove your name from our Certified Instructor list and in-person or virtual live class location finder. If you do not abide by the terms and conditions as laid out herein, we will revoke your license to use the Essentrics name, and we can require you to resubmit an evaluation for your latest level to regain status as a Certified Essentrics Instructor (at your previous level.)

How to choose your company name 
We kindly request that you support us in our efforts to enforce the Essentrics® Trademarks and to employ them properly and justly, helping to avoid confusion and misuse that could potentially cause liabilities. The registered name Essentrics® cannot be used alone as your business name, trade name, LLC name, studio name, website domain name, Facebook page name/username, without official consent from the Head Office and without a specific license. When you’re ready to choose a name for your personal company, whether it be to promote your Essentrics classes or your other teaching services, the same naming rules apply for using the Essentrics trademark within a company name or trade name as they do for choosing a Facebook page name/username and/or website domain name.


  1. Use your first name or first name + last name
    Examples: Lila Smith
    Lila Smith Fitness
  2. If you choose to use the word “Essentrics,” you must also use the word “with followed by your first name or first name + last name
    Example: Essentrics with Clara Smith


    You must also use one of these seven words (Class/Classes, Instructor, Teacher, Trainer/Training, Workout) along with your first name or first name + last name

    Examples: Lila Smith Essentrics Instructor
    Essentrics Workout with Clara
  3. If you choose to use a territory and use the word “Essentrics,” you must also use one of these seven words (Class/Classes, Instructor, Teacher, Trainer/Training, Workoutin between the word “Essentrics” and your territory. Your first name or first name + last name must also be included(Note: The word Essentrics cannot be directly next to a territory.)
    Examples: Lila Smith Essentrics Class NY Lila
     Essentrics Instructor Boston



    You must also use the word “with” followed by your first name or first name + last name in+ territory


    Example: Essentrics with Julie in Texas  


    You are NOT ALLOWED to…

    Only use the word “Essentrics + (Strength, Stretch, Studio, Training, Barre, Fitness, Class, Workout, Flexibility, or any similar words)


    Example: Essentrics Training

    You are
     NOT ALLOWED to…

    Only use your first name or first name + last name + “Essentrics(this implies ownership of the brand)

    Example: Lila Smith Essentrics

    You are NOT ALLOWED to:

    Use the word “Essentrics” + territory + with + first name or first name + last name (this implies ownership of a territory)


    Example: Essentrics NY with Lila

The popularity and brand awareness of Essentrics® is growing exponentially, worldwide—with Certified Essentrics instructors expanding their businesses in major cities across the nation. In order to ensure fairness in territories that contain numerous instructors, we’ve had to put into place several naming rules and guidelines to ensure that none of our instructors claim dominance of a territory.



Email address (ALLOWED):

Use a combination of the word “Essentrics + your first name or first name + last name, in the username in front of a generic domain name (,, etc.):

Email examples
[email protected]
JenEssentrics[email protected]


Email Address (NOT ALLOWED):

You may not use a domain name which contains the word “Essentrics:

You may not use the word “Essentricsalone with any domain name:

You may not use the word “Essentricsalone with any domain name:


FACEBOOK page name/username | PERSONAL WEBSITE domain name

Use your first name or first name + last name


If you choose to use the word “Essentrics,” you must also use the word “with” followed by your first name or first name + last name




You must also use one of these seven words (Class/Classes, Instructor, Teacher, Trainer/Training, Workout) along with your first name or first name + last name



If you choose to use a territory and use the word “Essentrics,” you must also use one of these seven words (Class/Classes, Instructor, Teacher, Trainer/Training, Workoutin between the word “Essentrics” and your territory. Your first name or first name + last name must also be included(Note: The word Essentrics cannot be directly next to a territory.)




You must also use the word “with” followed by your first name or first name + last name in+ territory



You are NOT ALLOWED to:
Only use the word “Essentrics + (Strength, Stretch, Studio, Training, Barre, Fitness, Class, Workout, Flexibility, or any similar words)



You are NOT ALLOWED to:
Only use your first name or first name + last name + “Essentrics” (this implies ownership of the brand)



You are NOT ALLOWED to:
Use the word “Essentrics” + territory + with + first name or first name + last name (this implies ownership of a territory)


Note: If you prefer, you may also use a nickname instead of your first and/or last name.

If you need additional clarification on our naming rules and regulations, have an existing site or one in mind, please do not hesitate to contact: [email protected]


If you’d like to create social media accounts on other platforms to promote your teaching services, such as: Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest—please refer to the Username guidelines below.



Since Twitter usernames have a limit of 15 characters, we suggest you use your full name or one of the examples below. In your bio, you can mention that you’re an Essentrics instructor, the location and details of your class, your contact info, as well as your social media and personal website links.

Best Twitter Username:

Example: @LisaSmith

If you want to include the word “Essentrics” in your Username:

Twitter Username (ALLOWED):

@[Essentrics + first name or first name + last name]
Example: @EssentricsLisa

@[Essentrics + first name or first name + last name + territory] – or in any other order 
Example: @EssentricsSamTO

Twitter Username (NOT ALLOWED):

@[Essentrics + territory] – or vice versa (this is reserved for official studio advertising.)
Examples: @EssentricsLA

@[Essentrics + territory + fitness keyword (fit, wkt, gym, studio, etc.)] – or in any other order 
Example: @essentricsNYFit




Please note that Essentrics Studio® and Essentrics Space® are registered trademark owned by The Esmonde Technique and cannot be used in a studio or business name without the official consent of Head Office.

If your goal is to take your career to the next level and open a studio space, we would love to hear from you! Please reach out to [email protected]. Note that we are not currently offering licensing opportunities, but we would like to keep your name in mind should the opportunity arises. Leave your detailed contact information in the email and we will reach out to you rapidly.

Guidelines for Filming your 2-minute Promo Video
Online videos are one of best ways to get a clear message across and inspire your clients. Sharing videos helps you to articulate key points in an easy and accessible way. Watching and listening to a message can help convey an idea that may be more difficult to articulate with written words. We love that our instructors have felt inspired to share their ideas and Essentrics knowledge in video form and we’re here to help you come across as professionally as possible on this public platform.

We are allotting a maximum time of 2 minutes for your online videos. Whether you choose to discuss yourself and your classes, share information about the benefits of the program, tips on how to do the exercises, or whatever your message may be, please ensure that you stick to the guidelines below. Keeping your videos short with ensure you get all of your main points across clearly and directly.

The following is a simple list of Do’s and Dont’s that we think will help you create an effective video and maintain a consistent global image for the Essentrics brand.

Do: Shoot your promo video in a studio/gym or clean, proper space that is in line with the ESSENTRICS® brand (elegant/intelligent).
Do: Ensure the volume and clarity of the video and your voice is of sufficient quality. Check your sound and recording quality prior to filming.
Do: Properly introduce yourself as an Essentrics Instructor and state your completed level.
Do: Discuss details of your teaching services (specific gyms/studios you teach at, class schedule, private sessions if applicable, etc.) and ways for people to get in touch with you if you so please.
Do: Make eye contact with the camera and have a warm, approachable tone of voice.
Do: Have a plan! Create a list of what you intend to discuss so that you appear prepared and well spoken. Practice out loud ahead of time! You want to be natural, and professional.
Do: Insert a title in your video, it should appear as: Essentrics Class with << your name >>”.

Don’t: Shoot your video in your kitchen or basement or visually cluttered zone – Find an attractive and well-lit space.
Don’t: Wear sunglasses – eye contact is important when trying to build a connection with your audience.
Don’t: Post any Essentrics workouts that you have created. Exercise demo’s of PCW sequences are great as long as the allotted time of 2 minutes is respected.
Don’t: Shoot your video from a distance or in a location that is too large – you want to avoid background noise & echoes and maintain people’s attention in the frame.
Don’t: Film in a location that has poor lighting – lighting enhances the quality and subject of your videos and can make or break its success.

Note: If you are posting educational videos on any of your website on social media platforms, we encourage you to submit your video to the Teacher Training Team at our Head Office for approval or suggestions. We are more than happy to assist you with marketing yourself and Essentrics to your local community.

Posting or Streaming Essentrics Videos Online
You cannot post or stream online any Essentrics workouts that you’ve created (except for your 2-minute personal class promo video) nor any official Essentrics videos (for free or for a fee on your website or social media accounts), as you are not licensed to do so. You may, however, post and share our official mini Essentrics workout videos found in the video section of our website.

Using the Recorded Music from your PCWS
The Audio Network music that you were provided to accompany your PCWs is protected by copyright and is licensed to you strictly for use during your in-person live or virtual live classes. The PCW music tracks cannot be used in any videos you share, post on your website or Youtube, or on your social media profiles, nor in anything digital you create (for example as a soundtrack to a video you are making). It’s against the law to share music publicly, even if you have paid for a copy of a piece of music. Sharing includes activities such as copying and distributing music – for example to email groups, via a file sharing website or by converting MP3 files to CDs and sharing them.

Any individual enrolled in the Essentrics® Instructor Certification Program is licensed under SOCAN via Essentrics® to play the music provided with your PCWs, in a in-person* live setting in Canada and in the US, provided that no part of your class is being recorded, redistributed or shared in any way.

If you choose to play music other than that which is provided to you on your PCW DVDs, we suggest that you obtain the necessary music license from SOCAN, BMI or another performing rights organization in your country so that you can legally and ethically play the songs your customers love hearing, while supporting creators of music.

As a paid fitness instructor and studio owner, you must by law obtain permission to use purchased music for your commercial purposes. There are a few organizations such as SOCAN in Canada (the Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada) or BMI in the US (Broadcast Music, Inc.) that grant licences to businesses that allow them to use any music they want legally and ethically, for their services. A SOCAN or BMI licence gives you and the instructors at your Studio permission to use copyright-protected musical works from anywhere around the world for business purposes.

*AudioNetwork has granted temporary permission to instructors to use the music provided in their PCWs in their live virtual classes until further notice.

ESSENTRICS® Trademark Symbol
When promoting yourself now and in the future, the registered ® symbol must always accompany the Essentrics®  trademarks and logos. It is important that you always use the R after each registered trademark and not combine marks into one sentence with the R at the end. For example Essentrics® Aging Backwards® should be written with the R symbol after each of the trademark names as above. It is important to add the registered ® symbol to your class schedules. d. We recommend using the Essentrics® Workout logo to promote all your activities.
Keeping Track of Your Class Branding
We recommend reviewing the following materials to ensure that everything is up to date and properly branded!

  • Your personal website
  • Any print or virtual promotional materials
  • Class schedules
  • Class descriptions
  • Business cards
  • Email signatures

We’d also appreciate it if you took a look at any of the gym websites you teach at and notify them of the trademark symbol requirements.

Any fees and prices are subject to change at Essentrics’ discretion. Essentrics reserves the right to establish, revise, modify or amend its curriculum, certification structure, billing practices, methods and fees, including its collection practices, payment practices, and fees for content or services provided on its website(s). Instructor agrees to accept notice of any changes by way of the changes posted on Instructor’s failure to agree to and comply with the Trademark name Usage Guidelines or the Terms of Use is a material breach permitting Essentrics to terminate this Agreement and revoke the license to use the Essentrics marks and Trademark name.

Essentrics® does not provide or issue official liability insurance waivers for its Instructors and Trainees. Every Essentrics® Instructor is an independent contractor who is liable for the safety of their own clients, and decides their own rates, schedule, terms and agreements, etc.

Please contact your insurance company, attorney or the facility where you teach your classes for assistance regarding liability insurance and waivers. Essentrics® Head Office strongly advises members of its Instructor Certification program to obtain their own liability insurance.

The Esmonde Technique is not liable for the safety of your class locations, nor the safety of your clients within your classes. We are not responsible for injuries and events that take place during your classes.

Having an up-to-date and comprehensive insurance policy for teaching group classes and personal training clients is crucial for protection against claims or unforeseen events.

By purchasing Essentrics Instructor materials, you represent that you are at least 18 or are legally authorized, with any necessary consent of a parent or guardian, to agree to these Terms and Conditions and fulfill any obligations in connection with such purchase. Essentrics reserves the right to verify the foregoing.

Essentrics may immediately terminate this Agreement and Instructor license, with or without cause, by giving Instructor written notice. Upon termination with or without cause, no Fees paid will be returned to Instructor.

Payment of any Fees pursuant to this Agreement shall be effective as an original signature and constitutes Instructor’s acceptance to the terms hereof. Instructor acknowledges that they have read and understands this Agreement in its entirety and that this Agreement may be modified at Essentrics’ discretion. Such changes may be effected by Essentrics’ posting of a change notice or new agreement on Such modified terms are deemed incorporated herein and made part hereof. Essentrics will make commercially reasonable efforts to notify Instructor of all modifications prior to implementation. The enforceability of such changes is not contingent upon actual notification, provided that Essentrics has posted the changes on their website.

The Parties’ relationship is that of licensor and licensee. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative or employment relationship between the Parties, nor shall Essentrics be deemed to be acting in a fiduciary capacity with respect to Instructor. Instructor has no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on behalf of Essentrics or to act for or bind Essentrics in any manner. Instructor must not make statements or take actions that may contradict the relationship set forth herein or confuse or mislead any person regarding the nature of the Parties’ relationship.


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