The Classical Stretch television series is American Public Television’s longest-running and highly ranked fitness television show – created, produced and hosted by Miranda Esmonde-White, a New York Times bestselling author and educator of healthy aging.
Over the last 20 years, Classical Stretch has helped people of all ages and fitness levels to rebalance their body, relieve pain and stiffness, increase strength, mobility and flexibility, and improve posture and energy – all in one 23-minute workout!
Based on the science-based fitness program, Essentrics – each episode of Classical Stretch features a gentle, full-body workout that combines dynamic strengthening and stretching exercises suitable for everyone.
Classical Stretch is distributed by American Public Television and can be viewed locally on Public Television and PBS stations across the nation.
For airings – please visit or check your local Public Television station’s website.
Still looking for DVDs? Shop our Classical Stretch DVD collection.
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We would like to thank all our sponsors for their generosity and hospitality over the last several years—without their support, the filming of Classical Stretch would not be possible. The beautiful backgrounds in each episode are due to the picturesque scenery of the gorgeous resorts, hotels and tourist attractions where we’ve had the privilege to film. Thank you for helping us maintain the quality and charm of Classical Stretch at a standard that is much appreciated by our longtime viewers!
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