Live Virtual Class Licenses

As of February 1, 2021, to be able to offer and promote Essentrics live virtual classes: Certified Instructors require an Instructor Live Virtual Class License (see Instructor tab below). Apprentice Instructors are not eligible for an Instructor Live Virtual Class License and must abide by the Live Virtual Class Terms for Apprentice Instructors here. Facilities (gyms, studios, fitness centers, community centers, etc.) require a Facility Live Virtual Class License in certain cases. To determine if your facility requires a License, see below.

With the launch of the Instructor Live Virtual Class License, we are thrilled to offer Certified Instructors the ability to offer Essentrics live virtual classes to their clients online, anytime.

Click here to access a reference version of the Instructor Live Virtual Class License that outlines the complete terms and conditions. This is a sample version. Viewing it or downloading it does not make you eligible to teach Essentrics live virtual classes.

As of February 1, 2021, in order to teach live virtual classes online, Certified Instructors must first agree to, sign and be approved for an Instructor Live Virtual Class License, which covers important information for class safety and outlines key guidelines for promoting live virtual classes online. License approval means that Head Office has checked that the License has been signed by a Certified Instructor.

If you are a Certified Essentrics Instructor Level 1-4, please request the Instructor Live Virtual Class License by filling this form. Once you request an Instructor License, the License will be emailed to you from Essentrics via BoldSign (an online signature tool), and your signature will be registered via electronic signature. A signature will only be considered valid when done via BoldSign. Once your License has been approved, you will receive confirmation by email.

Note: The Instructor Live Virtual Class License is not available for Apprentice Instructors. Apprentices wishing to teach Live Virtual Apprentice Classes must abide by the Live Virtual Class Terms for Apprentice Instructors here.

What is a facility? Essentrics defines  a  facility as  a  dedicated  physical brick-and-mortar teaching  space  (commercially leased, owned or otherwise)  that  facility members or clients frequent in person.

What types  of  facilities are required to sign a Facility License? A  Facility  License  is required to offer and promote  Essentrics  live virtual  classes  if  the location where classes are provided or the entity providing classes is incorporated, or in all other cases, has more than one instructor, regardless of the relationship to other instructors, and includes such locations whether the instructors other than the primary owner are employees, contractors, or partners. Non-profit and charitable organizations are exempt from signing a Facility License and may offer Essentrics live virtual classes if the Guidelines for Non-Profit and Charitable Organizations Offering Live Virtual Classes are met. See Guidelines below.

Thank you for your interest in offering Essentrics live virtual classes at your facility! Click here to access a reference version of the Facility Live Virtual Class License that outlines the complete terms and conditions. This is a sample version. Viewing it or downloading it does not make you eligible to offer Essentrics live virtual classes.

As of February 1, 2021, facilities wishing to offer Essentrics live virtual classes must agree to, sign and be approved for a Facility Live Virtual Class License*. If you are a facility owner/manager/fitness coordinator and you would like to request a copy of the Facility License to sign, please fill this form. A Certified Instructor may request a Facility Live Virtual Class License on behalf of a facility here. Once the request has been made, the License will be emailed to the facility from Essentrics via BoldSign (an online signature tool), and the facility owner/manager/fitness coordinator’s signature will be registered via electronic signature. A signature will only be considered valid when done via BoldSign. Once the License has been approved, a confirmation email will be sent to the facility email address provided and the facility name will be added to the list of Approved Facilities for Live Virtual Classes.

Note: If you are a Certified Instructor wishing to teach live virtual classes through a facility, before proceeding, you must be approved for an Instructor Live Virtual Class License (see above) and you must also ensure that the facility has been approved for a Facility Live Virtual Class License and that their name appears on the list of Approved Facilities for Live Virtual Classes.

Note: Apprentice Instructors are not permitted to teach live virtual classes through a facility.

* Non-profit and charitable organizations are exempt from signing a Facility License and may offer Essentrics live virtual classes if the Guidelines for Non-Profit and Charitable Organizations Offering Live Virtual Classes are met. See Guidelines below.

As of January 1, 2022, non-profit and charitable organizations are exempt from signing a Facility License and may offer Essentrics live virtual classes if the Guidelines for Non-Profit and Charitable Organizations Offering Live Virtual Classes are met.


  1. PHYSICAL BRICK-AND-MORTAR TEACHING SPACE. The Facility must have a dedicated physical brick-and-mortar teaching space (commercially leased, owned or otherwise) that facility members or clients frequent in person. 
  2. IN-PERSON CLASSES.Essentrics live virtual classes offered through a facility must be offered as a complement to in-person Essentrics classes. If the Facility ceases offering in-person Essentrics classes at their brick-and-mortar facility for a continuous period lasting longer than six months at any point in the future, the Facility may not continue offering Essentrics live virtual classes. Please contact Essentrics with any questions about this requirement.
  3. FEE-PAYING CLASSES. The Facility must offer fee-paying fitness/dance/movement classes. 
  4. RECURRING CLASSES. The Facility must offer fitness/dance/movement classes on a recurring basis and not as occasional or standalone classes. 



  1. An Essentrics live virtual class must always require a fee. The fee charged for an Essentrics live virtual class is at the discretion of the Facility, and may be covered under a membership or class package fee, however the cost for a single drop-in class cannot be less than 5 USD, 5 CAD or 5 EUR. There is one exception to this rule: The Facility may offer an Essentrics demo class free of charge to participants. A demo is a short workout with the objective of introducing Essentrics to a new client or group of clients and growing the Facility’s client base. A demo must not be longer than 15 minutes. It must be an occasional, stand-alone event, and may not be ongoing nor offered as a part of a series.
  2. The Facility may offer fundraiser Essentrics live virtual classes where the proceeds of the class raise money for a cause. Fundraiser classes must require a minimum donation amount of 5 USD, 5 CAD or 5 EUR per participant and may never be made accessible free of charge.



Permitted live streaming video software and tools must meet the following criteria:

  1. Accessible to a private and secure grouponly(meaning participants require a login or invitation to access the live virtual class) and/or;
  2. Supports video conferencing(meaning the Instructor and participants can engage in two-way real-time interactive audio and video communication).

Examples of permitted software and tools:

  • Zoom Meetings
  • GoToMeeting
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Google Meet
  • Skype
  • Webex Meetings
  • Facebook Messenger Rooms

Not permitted: Live streaming video software and tools that meet any of the following criteria:

  1. Accessible to the public in an unsecured group(meaning no login or invitation is required for access to the live virtual class) and/or;
  2. Video conferencing is not supported(meaning there is one-way live streaming only with no videoconferencing/communication capability between the Instructor and participants).

Examples of software and tools that are not permitted:

  • Zoom Webinars
  • Facebook Live video
  • Facebook video (recorded)
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Instagram Story
  • Instagram Live video
  • Instagram video (recorded)
  • Private Instagram Group
  • IGTV
  • YouTube Live video
  • YouTube video (recorded)
  • Vimeo Live video
  • Vimeo video (recorded)



Essentrics live virtual classes may only be accessible for a scheduled one-time viewing, and strictly for the duration of the class in real time. Essentrics live virtual classes cannot be pre-recorded, recorded, hosted online, broadcast after the class nor made available on demand. There is one exception to this rule: The Facility may record a live virtual class for the sole purpose of providing the Instructor with a recording for submission to Essentrics Head Office in order to fulfill exam and Teaching License maintenance requirements.


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