November 2019

Teacher Training November Newsletter

Live Teacher Trainings

Thank you to everyone who attended Level 1-4 trainings this summer. Your participation, enthusiasm and positivity helped make the trainings so successful!

Learn all about our new
Aging Backwards entry point

Watch our Teacher's Corner on the Essentrics Instructors Facebook page

In the Spotlight:
Imagery Project

Hats off to Kelly Dominguez who recently completed a social media ‘Essentrics Imagery Project’. She asked instructors to send her a short video clip demonstrating an example of their favorite imagery to use while teaching Essentrics. What a wonderful idea! Instructors of all levels from around the world responded. Thank you Kelly for creating and sharing this video!

Learning tools we love:
Essential Anatomy 5 App

Master Trainer and Educator, Gail Garceau shared her top pick for an anatomy app—Essential Anatomy 5—which has a muscle anatomy video extension that shows the function of each muscle. As Gail mentioned, “It’s a very interactive app that is completely worth it. The only anatomy app you will ever need. I’ve tried cheaper alternatives and only wasted my money.”

Trending Songs

Lindsay Campbell Anderson shared her PCW1 playlist. “It was a hit with my class of 17 students ages 22-76.” Perhaps some of these music suggestions will make it into your playlist. Thanks for sharing Lindsay!

Tracking BPM + Song Editing

Did you know that most of our Essentrics warm-up songs are between 90–120 beats per minute? Betty Ng shared this site: (it helps you check the BPM -beats per minute) of most songs.

Betty also informed us that iTunes users can take any song and edit the start and end time. This is particularly helpful when editing a long piece for TMs. Right click on a song, choose “song info,” then “option.” You’ll see two boxes for “start” and “stop.” Thanks Betty for sharing this handy information!


Essentrics Instructors in Quebec
Raise Money to Fight Cancer!

English to follow (version anglaise à la suite)

En juin dernier s’est tenu, dans huit villes du Québec, le Grand défoulement Essentrics® contre le cancer. De Québec à Gatineau, en passant par Granby et par plusieurs municipalités des Laurentides, les participants et instructeurs étaient ravis de pouvoir bouger ensemble. Parmi les participants, on comptait beaucoup d’habitués, mais aussi un grand nombre de personnes qui ont pu découvrir Essentrics pour la première fois. Il s’agit d’une belle mobilisation qui a permis d’amasser plus de 14 000 $ au profit de la Fondation québécoise du cancer! L’expérience va certainement être renouvelée l’an prochain.


This past June, 8 cities in Québec participated in le Grand défoulement Essentrics® contre le cancer. From Québec to Gatineau, including Granby and many Laurentian municipalities, both the instructors and participants were thrilled to have the opportunity to move with one another. Many of those present were first timers, discovering Essentrics on the day of their event. This engagement raised a whopping $14,000 for the Quebec Cancer Foundation! You can count on this event becoming an annual affair.

Alberta Instructors
Meet Up!

Recently, a group of 22 Instructors and Apprentices came together at Lori Griffith’s Essentrics Studio in Edmonton. Over a weekend, they reviewed objectives, techniques, anatomy and imagery. They also explored how to do an exercise multiple ways and shared music. What an amazing group of inspired and inspiring women!

Josée Duclos

One of our fellow Instructors, Josée Duclos, is facing one of the biggest challenges of her life; she has recently been diagnosed with brain cancer. Please feel free to extend your support, care and positivity throughout this difficult time. We are thinking of your Josée! If you would like to share your support through GoFundMe.

Tip of the Month

Muriel Sidler came up with an inventive way to memorize all the Essentrics Techniques using acronyms for each Technique group. Thanks Muriel!

Positional Techniques: LATIN

L (2) = levers: short & long
A = Alignment
T= Turn out
I = Isolation
N (2)= Neutral C and Neutral Elongation

Joint Movement Techniques: LORPM (low rpm)

L = Lever stretch
O (2) = Over extension; one directional stretch
R(2) = Rotation within the joint; rotation of the joint
P (2) = Pull up; pull out
M (3) = Multidirectional stretch; movement within a stretch; movement of the joint

Neuromuscular Techniques: DRIPBEAM

D = Deep breathing
R (2) = Resistance; relaxation
I (3) = Isometric contraction; isotonic contraction; imagery
B = Ballistic
E = End of stretch
A = Agonist/Antagonist
M = Music

Question of the Month

What do I say when people ask,“Is Essentrics like yoga or pilates?”

Several instructors posted great answers. Here are some of them:

Janice Lippard posted, “In (mat) Pilates, you are generally on the floor. In Essentrics, you stand more than anything else, but you’ll probably spend some time on the floor and/or using a chair or ballet barre as well. Both methods work your core and enhance strength and flexibility, but the focus is different. In Pilates you are focusing on the core (powerhouse) all the time. In Essentrics, you focus on mobility, which means you pay a lot of attention to joints and also work balance reflexes. The methods feel very different, so try both and experience the differences for yourself. They are very compatible.”

Suuz Martines added, “Unlike yoga, we do not hold poses. A muscles’ job is to contract to protect us from injury and to anticipate our next moves so we are safe in movement. Although a rubber bands job is to stretch, we do not take it to its max and hold it there. Its job is to contain and hug. Think of your muscles that way.  We understand the nature of how the body works and meet it there by utilizing physical therapy techniques – We go to the end of the stretch, Relax, Release, then go further into the end of next stretch, repeat. Many times I playfully say, “Even if it feels good, we don’t hold the stretch. Like relatives, we just want to visit, not stay there.” I also suggest students experiment in their yoga class feeling the difference in their body’s happiness and ease in not making the body fight against its nature of keeping us safe. Many are telling me how much Essentrics and its principles help them in every other class and everyday life.”

Betty Ng wrote about how Essentrics differs from other dynamic stretch workouts in a recent blog post:

Trending Essentrics TV
New Streaming Platform

Essentrics has a new streaming platform that makes finding your favorite workouts so much easier! Check it out by logging in or becoming a member (we offer a 7-day free trial to new subscribers)!

Just for Laughs

Kelly Hipkin shared this relatable graphic that depicts how she has been doing with her Essentrics training thus far. Sometimes life gets in the way. You’ll get there Kelly!

Newly Certified
July to October

Level 1 Soizic Daniel Amsterdam 10/16/2019
Level 1 Catherine Mallorie Bath 8/9/2019
Level 1 Sonia Lapointe Boston 9/18/2019
Level 1 Karen Lockhart Colorado Springs 8/19/2019
Level 1 Adele Sparkman Denver 9/30/2019
Level 1 Terry-Dawn Hewitt Denver 9/10/2019
Level 1 Dawn  Greaney Denver 8/21/2019
Level 1 Roma R. Cusimano Eugene 9/5/2019
Level 1 Karin Johnson Findlay 10/7/2019
Level 1 Kirstin Olson Olson Gardner 8/8/2019
Level 1 Gaby De Roo-Heiligers Goes 8/22/2019
Level 1 Marisa Phillips Guelph 7/18/2019
Level 1 Maaike Kuipers Haarlem 8/2/2019
Level 1 Laura Bagen Harrisburg 7/15/2019
Level 1 Margo McCombs Koloa 9/20/2019
Level 1 Nancy Niccum Kuna 9/13/2019
Level 1 Christine Gauthier Laval 10/24/2019
Level 1 Ruud Parent Middelburg 8/21/2019
Level 1 Nancy Hemphill Montague 10/16/2019
Level 1 Carole Albert Montreal 9/11/2019
Level 1 Julie Belanger Montreal 9/24/2019
Level 1 Celine Cassone Montreal 9/30/2019
Level 1 Candida  Ventura Montréal 8/12/2019
Level 1 Myriam Jézéquel Montréal 9/20/2019
Level 1 Stephanie Hurlburt Montreal West 10/18/2019
Level 1 Dianne Boone Mount Pearl 9/18/2019
Level 1 Jackie Borecky Notre Dame de L’ile Perrot 9/29/2019
Level 1 Sue Farlinger Parksville 9/15/2019
Level 1 Melissa Anglemyer Raleigh 9/2/2019
Level 1 Claire Martin Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier 10/23/2019
Level 1 Laetitia Fernandez Saint-Hubert 10/1/2019
Level 1 Kasia Chelkowska Sherbrooke 7/15/2019
Level 1 Melissa Craig Sherwood Park 8/28/2019
Level 1 Monique Nitka St-Christophe Arthabaska 8/21/2019
Level 1 Lindsay and Troy Anderson Taber 9/5/2019
Level 1 Emily French Tel Aviv 9/28/2019
Level 1 Jackie Javor Thompsons Station 9/4/2019
Level 1 Jean Hummel Vancouver 9/5/2019
Level 1 Jeannette Matak Wallaceburg 9/24/2019
Level 1 Rebekah Thompson Wentworth Nord 9/2/2019
Level 1 Susan York West Vancouver 9/13/2019
Level 2 Chelita Mcburney APO AE 9/24/2019
Level 2 Candace Williams Arlington 8/2/2019
Level 2 Darcy Mckee Billings 10/27/2019
Level 2 Donna Busch Delavan 9/4/2019
Level 2 Svetlana Lysenko Falls Church 7/24/2019
Level 2 Gaby Hamelin Gatineau 7/24/2019
Level 2 Lynn Yahraus Great Falls 10/4/2019
Level 2 Melinda Baughman Greenfield 8/12/2019
Level 2 Josje Yeung Happy Valley 8/23/2019
Level 2 Gloria Laux-Feltham Kingston 10/18/2019
Level 2 Anna Barbusci Kirkland 7/24/2019
Level 2 Carol Oleksiuk Langley 10/15/2019
Level 2 Emilie Wong Ma Wan 10/23/2019
Level 2 Resi Peters Malden 9/11/2019
Level 2 Deborah Key Mansfield 8/28/2019
Level 2 Karen Myers Montego Bay 7/14/2019
Level 2 Vaiana Rouable Montreal 7/19/2019
Level 2 Caterina Valente Montreal 10/22/2019
Level 2 Christine Dostie Pickering 7/20/2019
Level 2 Celia Tang San Carlos 8/13/2019
Level 2 Joanne Stevens Saskatoon 10/18/2019
Level 2 Lynn Bohuch Sherwood Park 10/25/2019
Level 2 Julie Roegge Singapore 10/3/2019
Level 2 Andrea Nunn Toronto 8/8/2019
Level 2 Jan Landis Wilsonville 10/11/2019
Level 3 Denise Broersma Broomfield 10/4/2019
Level 3 Tammy Hart Coquitlam 8/21/2019
Level 3 Shannon Foley Gainesville 10/20/2019
Level 3 Sara Landau Meggen 7/17/2019
Level 3 Nadia Soufan Nanaimo 7/23/2019
Level 3 Anne Snider Ottawa 7/30/2019
Level 3 Zara Safarian Québec 10/10/2019
Level 3 Kathy Breen St. John’s 9/13/2019
Level 4 Donna Ginsberg Charlottesville 7/22/2019
Level 4 Robin Becker Corvallis 9/13/2019
Level 4 Kristine Campbell Denver 7/22/2019
Level 4 Nancy Gould Dieppe 9/4/2019
Level 4 Kelley Kennon Dominguez Fountain Hills 9/11/2019
Level 4 Muriel Sidler Lachine 9/20/2019
Level 4 OK-Sim Lee Montreal 7/15/2019
Level 4 June Bird New Canaan 8/2/2019
Level 4 Kay Goode Oshkosh 9/10/2019
Level 4 Rebekah Congos Roanoke 7/25/2019
Level 4 Lauren Bauer Saint Petersburg 7/19/2019
Level 4 Lise-Anne Richard Saint-Sauveur 8/13/2019
Level 4 Sophie Vaudrin Sept-Îles 10/11/2019
Level 4 Julie Mae Winter Shoreview 10/23/2019
Level 4 Elizabeth Yee Vancouver 8/27/2019


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