A Quick Summary

Essentrics is the name of the fitness technique created in 1995 by former ballerina and New York Times bestselling author and healthy aging expert, Miranda Esmonde-White. It’s an age reversal, full body, low impact and equipment-free workout that combines dynamic stretching and strengthening exercises to improve fascia health and enhance joint mobility. Suitable for all ages and fitness levels, Essentrics has 400+ workouts and targeted health programs available to stream online on Essentrics TV, and watch on DVD.

Classical Stretch is the name of a popular fitness television series developed and hosted by Miranda, airing on all major PBS and Public Television stations across North America since 1999. Each 23-minute episode features her science-based Essentrics workout which increases strength, mobility, and flexibility, while relieving chronic pain — helping viewers of all ages to take control over how their body feels, moves and heals.

The History Behind the Essentrics Workout: How It All Began

While studying at the National Ballet School in Toronto as a young girl and later performing around the world as a professional ballerina with the National Ballet of Canada, Miranda developed a great understanding of form, physique and strength, which would later assist her in developing the Essentrics technique. After opening her own dance and fitness centre in her forties, she quickly realized her students wanted something different than the popular aerobics workout of that era. They wanted an exercise program that was fun, healing and sustainable, that would help them develop long lean muscles – a dancer’s body.

Through research and the invaluable mentorship of medical professionals and scientists in her community, along with her experience with ballet, Tai Chi and physiotherapy, Miranda created the foundation of Essentrics: a rebalancing exercise program that uses full-body movement to simultaneously stretch and engage muscles, while lubricating connective tissue. Based on the idea that the body is an interconnected system, Essentrics emphasizes how the health of one part affects the whole. Through slow, rotational movements that work through the entire joint range of motion, the workout helps restore balance, flexibility, strength and posture.

A Unique Way to Strengthen

Essentrics offers a unique muscle-strengthening method that focuses on a specific muscle action called an eccentric contraction. These contractions, known for their ability to lengthen and strengthen the body, result in sculpted, long and lean muscles while enhancing overall strength. They are the opposite of concentric contractions which are often used with weight-lifting exercises, in which the muscles are shortened while they are strengthened, resulting in bulkier muscles.

The Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

With a degree in economics and the pursuit of graduate studies in health economics and public health while working in the corporate space, Sahra Esmonde-White, daughter of Miranda, was an avid supporter of her mother’s new workout as it was being developed. She noticed the immediate results it had on her own body and was inspired by the strong impact it had on others. After years of Essentrics training, Sahra began working with professional athletes, sports teams and actors. She recognized the broader potential of Essentrics, developing a lifelong passion to support women’s health in every decade of their lives. Together, Miranda and Sahra were able to show and embody the value of Essentrics at every age, as they brought the technique to a global audience – promoting inclusivity, age diversity, and lifelong body care.

The Classical Stretch TV Show

In 1999, 5 years after the creation of the Essentrics technique, Miranda approached PBS in the hopes of them airing her fitness program to the masses on its network. Fast forward 25 years, Classical Stretch has become a household name amongst the 50+ population, airing daily in 96% of the Top 25 Nielsen markets in America. Notably 23-minutes long, each episode features gentle, yet effective stretching and strengthening exercises designed to increase mobility, relieve pain and stiffness, improve posture, and keep bones and joints healthy. Viewers feel energized and rejuvenated after each workout. Each season is notably filmed in stunning exotic locations around the world, featuring exquisite gardens, beaches and golf courses.

Essentrics®: A 30-Year Journey of Health, Vitality, and Inclusivity/Wellness

Now, almost 30 years later, the program has gained widespread recognition through award-winning PBS TV shows and documentaries, bestselling books, training of professional and Olympic athletes, and a growing community of instructors and practitioners. Miranda and Sahra’s shared vision of health, vitality, and physical freedom continues to resonate with people of all ages and backgrounds. Essentrics stands as a versatile, empowering, and age-reversing workout that embodies the values of inclusivity, self-care, and long-term wellness.


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