The best exercise program is one that you’ll look forward to because it feels good while you’re doing it! But what happens when your day is jam-packed with work and all you’re looking forward to is your couch? We’ve all been there!


Movement is Essential!

Like computers that need recharging, our muscles, bones, and connective tissue systems need to be rebooted throughout our day. Many of us believe that if we get in that hour of exercise, we’re active – even if we’ve been sitting for 6 to 8 hours. Unfortunately, just one workout can’t undo all of that sitting. Add in the time spent commuting, relaxing, and eating, and this puts our sit/lie down time closer to 21 hours per day! Researchers call sedentary behavior the “sitting disease” and report that this lifestyle can have the same debilitating effects on our health as smoking.1 When our musculoskeletal systems are compromised, our organs behave sluggishly and we lose our shape, suffer back pain, arthritis, low energy, and feel chronically stiff.

Essentrics is about vitality: the kind of energy that makes age just a number! We want to help you get moving so you can avoid the short and long-term effects of prolonged sitting on your health, cognitive functions, and overall sense of well-being.


3 Benefits of Incorporating
More Movement into Your Workday!


Protect Your Heart

The heart is your most important muscle. The muscular system plays a crucial role in keeping your cardiovascular system fit and functioning at full capability. Muscle movements involve contraction and relaxation, a pumping motion that acts to assist the circulation of blood into the extremities and back to the heart. Prolonged sitting can exacerbate high blood pressure. Hypertension is the leading risk factor for first and recurrent stroke.

But there’s good news! Movement is one of the best medicines in your arsenal. Research has shown that interrupting prolonged sitting time with frequent bouts of physical activity can lower your risk of stroke or recurrence.2 These same life-saving impacts of movement are also correlated with other reductions in disease.3 Just a few minutes of movement every hour, whether it’s standing by your desk or dynamic seated stretching, can help reduce cholesterol levels and reduce plaque buildup in the arteries.


Boost Energy Without the Crash

As our work day progresses, our energy levels drop. Many of us reach for a second or third coffee for a much-needed pick-me-up. We love our lattes, but they can come with an afternoon crash and disruptions in sleep. A simple and effective way to get that same burst of energy is through movement. When we sit, we are stagnant. Our blood tends to pool in our ankles and feet and our heart beats slower, drawing our energy down by depriving the rest of our body of oxygen. Essentrics increases blood flow, allowing our bodies to efficiently flush out toxins and feel refreshed with energy-giving oxygen and nutrients. Another bonus – improved quality of sleep!


Focus the Mind

This is the miracle of movement – something you can access right now by just stretching, rolling your shoulders, standing up, and sweeping your arms overhead! Not only will your body feel better but periodic bursts of movement make you more alert. The human brain adapts to changing demands by altering its functional and structural properties (“neuroplasticity” – how we learn and acquire skills.) Studies suggest that physical activity facilitates neuroplasticity of certain brain structures and improves cognitive function. Bursts of physical activity are even associated with enhancing our capacity to respond to new cognitive challenges.4

Our new desk workout collection aims to nurture and develop the power and endurance necessary for you to lead your best life. Music-free and under 10 minutes, these workouts are designed to be incorporated into your day, as many times as your body may need, whether you are at home, or at the office. Boost your mood, memory, and motivation throughout your workday!

Contributing Writer Andrea Strudensky


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1. J. K. Nelson and K. Zeratsky. “Do you have sitting disease?” July 25, 2012:
2. Matthews, Charles E et al. “Amount of time spent in sedentary behaviors in the United States, 2003-2004.” American journal of epidemiology vol. 167,7 (2008): 875-81.
3. Dunstan, D.W., Dogra, S., Carter, S.E. et al. “Sit less and move more for cardiovascular health: emerging insights and opportunities.” Nat Rev Cardiol 18, 637–648 (2021).
4. Daneshmandi H, Choobineh A, Ghaem H, Karimi M. “Adverse Effects of Prolonged Sitting Behavior on the General Health of Office Workers.” Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2017 Jul;7(2):69-75.