Self-care is more than just a buzzword. Self-care is a mindset that allows you to attend to your own needs and get in touch with how you feel. Your body may send messages like stiffness or fatigue to get your attention. You may feel the need for more energy, strength, and flexibility; more relief from injury. These are all great signs that your body wants to keep providing you with the best foundation to live a fulfilling and active life. Welcome this program as your time to focus on your health and well-being.


Feel-good workouts designed for you

The more demanding a life, the more crucial it becomes to take the time to care for yourself. One of Miranda’s favorite lines is relaxation is the new strengthening – and she means it. The program’s designed for you to feel good while you do it, creating its own positive feedback loop. The more you participate, the better you feel, and the more you anticipate that next workout. With each class, you gain more strength and flexibility, loosen tight muscles, build a strong core, improve posture, sculpt, and tone. The results you experience are the incentive you need to keep going.

We call this decade The Preventative Years because we know that prevention is the key to your future mobility, flexibility, and vitality. We designed a program to strengthen every muscle, ligament, and joint in your body. A strong and flexible core will help you to look & feel young by improving your posture and muscle tone while stabilizing and powering your movements – making it easier to do any physical activity safely and efficiently.


Enhance your health and well-being

The fountain of youth is exercise. Exercise enhances every cellular and metabolic function in our bodies. Exercise optimizes our organ system and expands our lung capacity. Exercise builds resilience. Activities that are physically challenging prepare us to handle mental and emotional challenges. And the best part? Daily exercise has a calming effect on the mind: reducing anxiety and helping to prevent depression.

The values of the program – to never work in pain, and to consistently relax – are important for our well-being. We want to prevent the burn-out that can affect us in our 40s. Essentrics is about good energy. The kind of energy that makes you feel vital and healthy, infusing you with confidence – knowing that as the years roll in, all the activities you love will still be within reach. With intentional physical movement, you learn to align yourself with what is important – taking the time to care for that special person in your life: YOU!

Join a 40s Challenge